Monday, November 9, 2009

Have you pulled out your courage lately?

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

If you're a client of mine it's likely you've got a stretch goal on your plate. Pull up the courage to keep the eye on that prize and move toward it!

This is the time of year we start planning our holiday parties, family gatherings, and New Years Eve Plans. Keep that planning going...but don't forget to plan for how you intend to reach that stretch goal! Create a list of things you can do right now, this week, and the last months of the year to reach it. Look at that list everyday and move with it. And if it has to carry into next year or is a goal for next year...plan the year out carefully. Categorize everything you can do to make it happen and decide how much of each is required. Then back into the year by month based on that.

Need any help with your luminosity coach!

All the best! Dianne

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